The Academy of Management is the professional association for management academics - if you took any kind of business class in college, chances are your professor was a member. It publishes the highest-rated scholarly journals in management and hosts an annual conference with over 10,000 attendees. This all feeds the higher educational-industrial complex since tenure is only achieved by getting published and presenting to your peers.
While at the Academy, I was responsible for the acquisition and retention of 21,000 Academy members, member services, volunteer engagement & supervision of all marketing and communications efforts. I directed a staff of six.
The implementation of a comprehensive membership marketing strategy resulted in a 13% increase in response. Using member behavioral and usage data, I modeled a new dues and benefits strategy which was projected to save $1MM+ annually.
I also created an in-house marketing “agency” for publications, meetings and other departments and I wrote and applied branding and style guidelines across the organization.